BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//NAMI DuPage - ECPv6.5.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for NAMI DuPage REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:UTC DTSTART:20240101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240530T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240530T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240606T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240606T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240613T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240613T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240620T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240620T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240627T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240627T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240704T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240704T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240711T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240711T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240718T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240718T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240725T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240725T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240801T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240801T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240808T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240808T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240815T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240815T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240822T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240822T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240829T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240829T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240905T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240905T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240912T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240912T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240919T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240919T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240926T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240926T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241003T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241003T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241010T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241010T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241017T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241017T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241024T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241024T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241031T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241031T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241107T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241107T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241114T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241114T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241121T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241121T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241128T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241128T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241205T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241205T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241212T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241212T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241219T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241219T203000 DTSTAMP:20240524T051347 CREATED:20230608T213730Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231208T183319Z SUMMARY:Teen Support Group DESCRIPTION:NAMI DuPage is proud to offer a free peer support group for high school teens dealing with mental health issues. Co-led by a NAMI peer leader and a clinician\, this is held in-person at NAMI DuPage. We hope to provide a safe space for peers to learn about mental health\, and to support and encourage each other in their individual circumstances.* \nThis is a “closed group\,” in which registration and screening of participants is required to determine appropriate placement. A required parent/guardian and teen orientation is also necessary in order to go over any questions before starting the program. \nPlease complete the Contact Request form HERE for more information\, where a member of our team will be in touch! \n*PLEASE NOTE: The co-facilitators are mandated reporters. For a teen’s safety\, if any cases of alleged abuse or neglect of a teen or someone in their household is disclosed\, it will be reported to relevant authorities. URL: LOCATION:NAMI DuPage\, 115 North County Farm Rd.\, Wheaton\, IL\, 60187\, United States CATEGORIES:Teen Support Group,Youth END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR