BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//NAMI DuPage - ECPv6.5.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:NAMI DuPage X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for NAMI DuPage REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:UTC DTSTART:20230101T000000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240120T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240120T170000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20240109T184124Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240119T172327Z SUMMARY:CANCELED - Adult Mental Health First Aid DESCRIPTION:This class has been canceled due to insufficient registrations. We apologize for any inconvenience. \nWHEN: January 20\, 2024\nTIME: 9 AM – 5 PM\nWHERE: The Living Room – La Grange\nCOST: FREE \nWe will take registrations until the day before the event or until the class is full.\nIf you have any questions regarding your registration\, please contact Jess Schnieder at\n_________________________________________________________________________________________________ \n\nAdult Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour long course designed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing ( This evidence-based\, research-supported program is designed for community service members\, parents & guardians of adult children\, social workers and therapists\, health care workers\, beauticians\, religious practitioners\, and anyone in between. Participants must be 18 years or older and work primarily with adults. \nThis course is also an accredited professional development opportunity in the form of CEUs (continuing education units). Earn 7.5 hours to count towards renewing your license! \n By the end of this class\, you will be able to… \n\n\n\nConfidently have a supportive conversation with someone about mental health or substance use challenges.\nApply the ALGEE action plan in pre-crisis scenarios to connect someone to professional & self-help resources\nIdentify common signs and symptoms of a mental health challenge\nDe-escalate a crisis situation in which a young person is self-harming or having thoughts of suicide\nand so much more\n\n Mental Health Topics covered include : Anxiety\, Bipolar Disorders\, Depression\, Eating Disorders\, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders\, Psychosis Disorders\, Schizophrenia\, and Substance Use Disorders. \n\n  URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240113T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240113T160000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20240109T185658Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240109T185658Z SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid DESCRIPTION:Where: The Living Room – La Grange\nWhen: January 13\, 2024\nTime: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM\nCOST: FREE \nREGISTER HERE\nWe will take registrations until the day before or until the class is full.\nFor any questions or concerns about your registration\, please contact \n________________________________________________________________________________________ \nYouth Mental Health First Aid is a 7-hour long course designed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing ( This evidence-based\, research-supported program is designed for parents & guardians of children ages 12-18\, teachers & school staff\, social workers\, coaches and camp counselors\, and anyone in between. Participants must be 18 years or older and primarily interact with young people. \nThis course is also an accredited professional development opportunity in the form of CEUs (continuing education units) or CPDUs (continued professional development units). Earn 6.5 hours to count towards renewing your license! \n By the end of this class\, you will be able to… \n\nConfidently have a supportive conversation with a young person about mental health or substance use challenges.\nApply the ALGEE action plan in pre-crisis scenarios to connect a young person to professional & self-help resources\nIdentify common signs and symptoms of a mental health challenge\nDe-escalate a crisis situation in which a young person is self-harming or having thoughts of suicide\nand so much more\n\n Mental Health Topics covered include: Anxiety\, Depression\, Disruptive Behavior Disorders (including ADHD)\, Eating Disorders\, Psychosis Disorders\, and Substance Use Disorders. URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231209T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231209T170000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20231120T180959Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231120T181051Z SUMMARY:Adult Mental Health First Aid (Español) - Summit DESCRIPTION:Inscribirse a Primeros Auxilios de Salud Mental\nGracias por su interés en primeros auxilios para la salud mental de adultos.\n\n\nEn este curso\, aprenderá\n\n\ncómo evaluar el riesgo de autolesión o pensamientos de suicidio\nserá consciente de los trastornos mentales comunes\, incluyendo los signos y síntomas\napoyar y escuchar a un adulto cuando está pasando por una crisis de salud mental\ny más\n\nLos Temas Principales:\nAnxiety (Trastorno de ansiedad)\nBipolar Disorders (Trastornos bipolares)\nDepression (Depresión)\nEating Disorders (Trastornos alimentario)\nPost-Traumatic Stress Disorders (Trastorno de estrés postraumático)\nPsychosis (Psicosis)\nSchizophrenia (Esquizofrenia) \n\nCompleta el form para inscribirse a la clase.\nCompleta un form para cada participante.\nÉste clase requiere un mínimo de diez (10) participantes inscritos para llevarse a cabo.\nLa inscripción cierra setenta y dos (72) horas. Antes de la fecha de la clase.\n\n\nRegistrar Aquí URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Summit\, IL\, 7602 63rd St\, Summit\, IL\, 60501\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA ORGANIZER;CN="NAMI Metro Suburban" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231202T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231202T160000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20231120T175153Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231120T175451Z SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid (Español) - Summit DESCRIPTION:Inscribirse a Primeros Auxilios de Salud Mental de Jóvenes.\nGracias por su interés en primeros auxilios para la salud mental de jóvenes.\n\nEn este curso\, aprenderá …\n\ncómo evaluar el riesgo de autolesión o pensamientos de suicidio\nserá consciente de los trastornos mentales comunes\, incluyendo los signos y síntomas\napoyar y escuchar a un jóven cuando está pasando por una crisis de salud mental\ny más\n\n\nLos Temas Principales :\nAnxiety (Trastorno de ansiedad)\nBipolar Disorders (Trastornos bipolares)\nDepression (Depresión)\nDisruptive Behavior Disorders (Trastornos de conducta disruptiva)\nEating Disorders (Trastornos alimentario)\nSubstance Use (Trastorno por uso de sustancias) \nCompleta el form para inscribirse a la clase.\nCompleta un form para cada participante.\nÉste clase requiere un mínimo de diez (10) participantes inscritos para llevarse a cabo.\nLa inscripción cierra setenta y dos (72) horas. Antes de la fecha de la clase.\n\nRegistrar Aquí URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Summit\, IL\, 7602 63rd St\, Summit\, IL\, 60501\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA ORGANIZER;CN="NAMI Metro Suburban" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231119T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231119T170000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20231106T181748Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231106T181748Z SUMMARY:Adult Mental Health First Aid DESCRIPTION:WHEN: November 19\, 2023\nTIME: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM\nWHERE: Community Wellness Center – La Grange\nCOST: FREE \nREGISTER HERE\nWe will take registrations until the day before the event or until the class is full.\nIf you have any questions regarding your registration\, please contact Jess Schnieder at\n_________________________________________________________________________________________________ \n\nAdult Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour long course designed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing ( This evidence-based\, research-supported program is designed for community service members\, parents & guardians of adult children\, social workers and therapists\, health care workers\, beauticians\, religious practitioners\, and anyone in between. Participants must be 18 years or older and work primarily with adults. \nThis course is also an accredited professional development opportunity in the form of CEUs (continuing education units). Earn 7.5 hours to count towards renewing your license! \n By the end of this class\, you will be able to… \n\n\n\nConfidently have a supportive conversation with someone about mental health or substance use challenges.\nApply the ALGEE action plan in pre-crisis scenarios to connect someone to professional & self-help resources\nIdentify common signs and symptoms of a mental health challenge\nDe-escalate a crisis situation in which a young person is self-harming or having thoughts of suicide\nand so much more\n\n Mental Health Topics covered include : Anxiety\, Bipolar Disorders\, Depression\, Eating Disorders\, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders\, Psychosis Disorders\, Schizophrenia\, and Substance Use Disorders. \n\n  URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231118T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231118T160000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20231106T182052Z LAST-MODIFIED:20231106T182052Z SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid DESCRIPTION:Where: Community Wellness Center – La Grange\nWhen: November 18\, 2023\nTime: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM\nCOST: FREE \nREGISTER HERE\nWe will take registrations until the day before or until the class is full.\nFor any questions or concerns about your registration\, please contact \n________________________________________________________________________________________ \nYouth Mental Health First Aid is a 7-hour long course designed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing ( This evidence-based\, research-supported program is designed for parents & guardians of children ages 12-18\, teachers & school staff\, social workers\, coaches and camp counselors\, and anyone in between. Participants must be 18 years or older and primarily interact with young people. \nThis course is also an accredited professional development opportunity in the form of CEUs (continuing education units) or CPDUs (continued professional development units). Earn 6.5 hours to count towards renewing your license! \n By the end of this class\, you will be able to… \n\nConfidently have a supportive conversation with a young person about mental health or substance use challenges.\nApply the ALGEE action plan in pre-crisis scenarios to connect a young person to professional & self-help resources\nIdentify common signs and symptoms of a mental health challenge\nDe-escalate a crisis situation in which a young person is self-harming or having thoughts of suicide\nand so much more\n\n Mental Health Topics covered include: Anxiety\, Depression\, Disruptive Behavior Disorders (including ADHD)\, Eating Disorders\, Psychosis Disorders\, and Substance Use Disorders. URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231021T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231021T170000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230921T204838Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230921T204838Z SUMMARY:Adult Mental Health First Aid DESCRIPTION:Where: The Living Room – Summit\, IL\nWhen: October 21\, 2023\nTime: 9 AM – 5 PM \nRegister HERE\nWe will take registrations up until the day before or until the class is full.\nFor any questions or concerns about your registration\, please contact \n________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMental Health First Aid USA is a 6-hour training program that teaches participants how to help someone who is developing a mental health condition\, or experiencing a mental health crisis. This class is appropriate for adults aged 18+ years\, who want to learn more about mental health issues. Completion of this course means you will walk away with valuable knowledge that will help you: \n\nIdentify\, understand\, and respond to signs of mental health/substance use disorders\nLearn risk factors and warning signs\nShow a person who has a mental health condition that they are not alone\nBecome confident in assisting someone in crisis\nBuild a better understanding of Mental Health/Substance use disorders impact URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Summit\, IL\, 7602 63rd St\, Summit\, IL\, 60501\, United States CATEGORIES:MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231014T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231014T160000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230921T204249Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230921T204422Z SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid DESCRIPTION:Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents\, family members\, caregivers\, teachers\, school staff\, peers\, neighbors\, health and human services workers\, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth\, reviews typical adolescent development\, and teaches a 5-step action plan to help young people in crisis and non-crisis situations. \nTopics covered include:\nAnxiety\nDepression\nSubstance use\nDisorders in which psychosis may occur\nDisruptive behavior disorders (including ADHD)\nEating disorders \nDATE: 10/14/23 \nTIME: TBD \nLOCATION: The Living Room: Summit\, IL \nCost for Class: Free \nCEUs/CPDUs Available: Yes\, Free \nDue to the new Mental Health First Aid system “Connect\,” all participants are required to be pre-enrolled for the class. \nREGISTER HERE\nThis FREE class is made possible due to a grant from the Community Memorial Foundation and its partners\, the Rotary Club of La Grange\, Mental Health Association of DuPage County Fund of The DuPage Community Foundation\, Illinois Children’s Health Foundation and the Lyons and Proviso Township Mental Health Commissions.\nBridgeview – Broadview – Brookfield – Burr Ridge – Clarendon Hills – Countryside – Darien – Downers Grove – Hickory Hills – Hinsdale – Hodgkins – Indian Head Park – Justice – La Grange – La Grange Park – Lyons – McCook – North Riverside – Oak Brook – Riverside – Stickney – Summit – Westchester – Western Springs – Westmont – Willowbrook – Willow Springs URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Summit\, IL\, 7602 63rd St\, Summit\, IL\, 60501\, United States CATEGORIES:MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230916T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230916T160000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230628T204913Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230628T204913Z SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid - LaGrange DESCRIPTION:Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents\, family members\, caregivers\, teachers\, school staff\, peers\, neighbors\, health and human services workers\, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth\, reviews typical adolescent development\, and teaches a 5-step action plan to help young people in crisis and non-crisis situations. \nTopics covered include:\nAnxiety\nDepression\nSubstance use\nDisorders in which psychosis may occur\nDisruptive behavior disorders (including ADHD)\nEating disorders \nDate: 09/16/2023 \nTime: 9 AM – 4 PM \nLocation: LaGrange Community Wellness Center \nCost for Class: Free \nCEUS/CPDUS Available: Yes\, Free \nDue to the new Mental Health First Aid system “Connect\,” all participants are required to be pre-enrolled for the class. \nREGISTER HERE\nThis FREE class is made possible due to a grant from the Community Memorial Foundation and its partners\, the Rotary Club of La Grange\, Mental Health Association of DuPage County Fund of The DuPage Community Foundation\, Illinois Children’s Health Foundation and the Lyons and Proviso Township Mental Health Commissions.\nBridgeview – Broadview – Brookfield – Burr Ridge – Clarendon Hills – Countryside – Darien – Downers Grove – Hickory Hills – Hinsdale – Hodgkins – Indian Head Park – Justice – La Grange – La Grange Park – Lyons – McCook – North Riverside – Oak Brook – Riverside – Stickney – Summit – Westchester – Western Springs – Westmont – Willowbrook – Willow Springs URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230909T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230909T170000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230628T204709Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230628T204709Z SUMMARY:Adult Mental Health First Aid - LaGrange DESCRIPTION:Adult Mental Health First Aid for Adults teaches people how to recognize signs of mental health or substance use challenges in adults ages 18 and older\,\nhow to offer and provide initial help\, and how to guide a person toward appropriate care if necessary. \nTopics covered include:\nAnxiety\nDepression\nPsychosis\nAddictions \nDate: 09/09/2023 \nTime: 9 AM – 5 PM \nLocation: Community Wellness Center – LaGrange \nCost for Class: Free \nCEUS/CPDUS Available: Free \nREGISTER HERE\nThis FREE class is made possible due to a grant from the Community Memorial Foundation and its partners\, the Rotary Club of La Grange\, Mental Health Association of DuPage County Fund of The DuPage Community Foundation\, Illinois Children’s Health Foundation and the Lyons and Proviso Township Mental Health Commissions.\nBridgeview – Broadview – Brookfield – Burr Ridge – Clarendon Hills – Countryside – Darien – Downers Grove – Hickory Hills – Hinsdale – Hodgkins – Indian Head Park – Justice – La Grange – La Grange Park – Lyons – McCook – North Riverside – Oak Brook – Riverside – Stickney – Summit – Westchester – Western Springs – Westmont – Willowbrook – Willow Springs URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230805T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230805T160000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230628T204251Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230628T204251Z SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid - LaGrange DESCRIPTION:Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents\, family members\, caregivers\, teachers\, school staff\, peers\, neighbors\, health and human services workers\, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth\, reviews typical adolescent development\, and teaches a 5-step action plan to help young people in crisis and non-crisis situations. \nTopics covered include:\nAnxiety\nDepression\nSubstance use\nDisorders in which psychosis may occur\nDisruptive behavior disorders (including ADHD)\nEating disorders \nDate: 8/5/2023 \nTime: 9 AM – 4 PM \nLocation: LaGrange Community Wellness Center \nCost for Class: Free \nCEUS/CPDUS Available: Yes\, Free \nDue to the new Mental Health First Aid system “Connect\,” all participants are required to be pre-enrolled for the class. \nREGISTER HERE\nThis FREE class is made possible due to a grant from the Community Memorial Foundation and its partners\, the Rotary Club of La Grange\, Mental Health Association of DuPage County Fund of The DuPage Community Foundation\, Illinois Children’s Health Foundation and the Lyons and Proviso Township Mental Health Commissions.\nBridgeview – Broadview – Brookfield – Burr Ridge – Clarendon Hills – Countryside – Darien – Downers Grove – Hickory Hills – Hinsdale – Hodgkins – Indian Head Park – Justice – La Grange – La Grange Park – Lyons – McCook – North Riverside – Oak Brook – Riverside – Stickney – Summit – Westchester – Western Springs – Westmont – Willowbrook – Willow Springs URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230729T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230729T170000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230628T203524Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230628T203903Z SUMMARY:Adult Mental Health First Aid - LaGrange DESCRIPTION:Adult Mental Health First Aid for Adults teaches people how to recognize signs of mental health or substance use challenges in adults ages 18 and older\,\nhow to offer and provide initial help\, and how to guide a person toward appropriate care if necessary. \nTopics covered include:\nAnxiety\nDepression\nPsychosis\nAddictions \nDate: 7/29/2023 \nTime: 9 AM – 5 PM \nLocation: Community Wellness Center – LaGrange \nCost for Class: Free \nCEUS/CPDUS Available: Free \nREGISTER HERE\nThis FREE class is made possible due to a grant from the Community Memorial Foundation and its partners\, the Rotary Club of La Grange\, Mental Health Association of DuPage County Fund of The DuPage Community Foundation\, Illinois Children’s Health Foundation and the Lyons and Proviso Township Mental Health Commissions.\nBridgeview – Broadview – Brookfield – Burr Ridge – Clarendon Hills – Countryside – Darien – Downers Grove – Hickory Hills – Hinsdale – Hodgkins – Indian Head Park – Justice – La Grange – La Grange Park – Lyons – McCook – North Riverside – Oak Brook – Riverside – Stickney – Summit – Westchester – Western Springs – Westmont – Willowbrook – Willow Springs URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230715T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230715T160000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230628T205258Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230628T205447Z SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid - LaGrange DESCRIPTION:Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents\, family members\, caregivers\, teachers\, school staff\, peers\, neighbors\, health and human services workers\, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth\, reviews typical adolescent development\, and teaches a 5-step action plan to help young people in crisis and non-crisis situations. \nTopics covered include:\nAnxiety\nDepression\nSubstance use\nDisorders in which psychosis may occur\nDisruptive behavior disorders (including ADHD)\nEating disorders \nDate: 7/15/2023 \nTime: 9 AM – 4 PM \nLocation: LaGrange Community Wellness Center \nCost for Class: Free \nCEUS/CPDUS Available: Yes\, Free \nDue to the new Mental Health First Aid system “Connect\,” all participants are required to be pre-enrolled for the class. \nREGISTER HERE\nThis FREE class is made possible due to a grant from the Community Memorial Foundation and its partners\, the Rotary Club of La Grange\, Mental Health Association of DuPage County Fund of The DuPage Community Foundation\, Illinois Children’s Health Foundation and the Lyons and Proviso Township Mental Health Commissions.\nBridgeview – Broadview – Brookfield – Burr Ridge – Clarendon Hills – Countryside – Darien – Downers Grove – Hickory Hills – Hinsdale – Hodgkins – Indian Head Park – Justice – La Grange – La Grange Park – Lyons – McCook – North Riverside – Oak Brook – Riverside – Stickney – Summit – Westchester – Western Springs – Westmont – Willowbrook – Willow Springs URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230707T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230707T170000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230602T222532Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230602T222532Z SUMMARY:Adult Mental Health First Aid - La Grange DESCRIPTION:Where: Community Wellness Center\n4731 Willow Springs Rd.\nLa Grange\, IL 60525\nWhen: June 10\, 2023\nTime: 9 AM – 5 PM \nRegister HERE.\nWe will take registrations up until the day before or until the class is full.\nFor any questions or concerns about your registration\, please contact \n________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMental Health First Aid USA is a 6-hour training program that teaches participants how to help someone who is developing a mental health condition\, or experiencing a mental health crisis. This class is appropriate for adults aged 18+ years\, who want to learn more about mental health issues. Completion of this course means you will walk away with valuable knowledge that will help you: \n\nIdentify\, understand\, and respond to signs of mental health/substance use disorders\nLearn risk factors and warning signs\nShow a person who has a mental health condition that they are not alone\nBecome confident in assisting someone in crisis\nBuild a better understanding of Mental Health/Substance use disorders impact URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230624T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230624T160000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230602T222827Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230602T223029Z SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid - La Grange DESCRIPTION:Where:\nCommunity Wellness Center\n4731 Willow Springs Rd.\nLa Grange\, IL 60525\nWhen: June 24\, 2023\nTime: 9 AM – 4 PM \nREGISTER HERE\nWe will take registrations up until the day before or until the class is full.\nFor any questions or concerns about your registration\, please contact \n________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMental Health First Aid USA is a 6-hour training program that teaches participants how to help someone who is developing a mental health condition\, or experiencing a mental health crisis. This class is appropriate for adults aged 18+ years\, who want to learn more about mental health issues. Completion of this course means you will walk away with valuable knowledge that will help you: \n\nIdentify\, understand\, and respond to signs of mental health/substance use disorders\nLearn risk factors and warning signs\nShow a person who has a mental health condition that they are not alone\nBecome confident in assisting someone in crisis\nBuild a better understanding of Mental Health/Substance use disorders imp URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:Education Classes,MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230610T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230610T170000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230322T230557Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230322T230613Z SUMMARY:Adult Mental Health First Aid\, LaGrange DESCRIPTION:Where: Community Wellness Center\n4731 Willow Springs Rd.\nLa Grange\, IL 60525\nWhen: June 10\, 2023\nTime: 9 AM – 5 PM \nRegister HERE.\nWe will take registrations up until the day before or until the class is full.\nFor any questions or concerns about your registration\, please contact \n________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMental Health First Aid USA is a 6-hour training program that teaches participants how to help someone who is developing a mental health condition\, or experiencing a mental health crisis. This class is appropriate for adults aged 18+ years\, who want to learn more about mental health issues. Completion of this course means you will walk away with valuable knowledge that will help you: \n\nIdentify\, understand\, and respond to signs of mental health/substance use disorders\nLearn risk factors and warning signs\nShow a person who has a mental health condition that they are not alone\nBecome confident in assisting someone in crisis\nBuild a better understanding of Mental Health/Substance use disorders impact URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230527T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230527T160000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230322T230402Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230322T230412Z SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid\, La Grange DESCRIPTION:Where: Community Wellness Center\n4731 Willow Springs Rd.\nLa Grange\, IL 60525\nWhen: May 27\, 2023\nTime: 9 AM – 4 PM \nRegister HERE.\nWe will take registrations up until the day before or until the class is full.\nFor any questions or concerns about your registration\, please contact \n________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMental Health First Aid USA is a 6-hour training program that teaches participants how to help someone who is developing a mental health condition\, or experiencing a mental health crisis. This class is appropriate for adults aged 18+ years\, who want to learn more about mental health issues. Completion of this course means you will walk away with valuable knowledge that will help you: \n\nIdentify\, understand\, and respond to signs of mental health/substance use disorders\nLearn risk factors and warning signs\nShow a person who has a mental health condition that they are not alone\nBecome confident in assisting someone in crisis\nBuild a better understanding of Mental Health/Substance use disorders impact URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230513T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230513T170000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230322T230206Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230322T230736Z SUMMARY:Adult Mental Health First Aid\, LaGrange DESCRIPTION:Where: Community Wellness Center\n4731 Willow Springs Rd.\nLa Grange\, IL 60525\nWhen: May 13\, 2023\nTime: 9 AM – 5 PM \nRegister HERE.\nWe will take registrations up until the day before or until the class is full.\nFor any questions or concerns about your registration\, please contact \n________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMental Health First Aid USA is a 6-hour training program that teaches participants how to help someone who is developing a mental health condition\, or experiencing a mental health crisis. This class is appropriate for adults aged 18+ years\, who want to learn more about mental health issues. Completion of this course means you will walk away with valuable knowledge that will help you: \n\nIdentify\, understand\, and respond to signs of mental health/substance use disorders\nLearn risk factors and warning signs\nShow a person who has a mental health condition that they are not alone\nBecome confident in assisting someone in crisis\nBuild a better understanding of Mental Health/Substance use disorders impact URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230422T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230422T160000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230320T204349Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230321T174729Z SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid\, LaGrange DESCRIPTION:Where:\nCommunity Wellness Center\n4731 Willow Springs Rd.\nLa Grange\, IL 60525\nWhen: March 25\, 2023\nTime: 9 AM – 5 PM \nRegister HERE.\nWe will take registrations up until the day before or until the class is full.\nFor any questions or concerns about your registration\, please contact \n________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMental Health First Aid USA is a 6-hour training program that teaches participants how to help someone who is developing a mental health condition\, or experiencing a mental health crisis. This class is appropriate for adults aged 18+ years\, who want to learn more about mental health issues. Completion of this course means you will walk away with valuable knowledge that will help you: \n\nIdentify\, understand\, and respond to signs of mental health/substance use disorders\nLearn risk factors and warning signs\nShow a person who has a mental health condition that they are not alone\nBecome confident in assisting someone in crisis\nBuild a better understanding of Mental Health/Substance use disorders impact URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230408T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230408T170000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230320T204237Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230321T174805Z SUMMARY:Adult Mental Health First Aid\, LaGrange DESCRIPTION:Where:\nCommunity Wellness Center\n4731 Willow Springs Rd.\nLa Grange\, IL 60525\nWhen: March 25\, 2023\nTime: 9 AM – 5 PM \nRegister HERE.\nWe will take registrations up until the day before or until the class is full.\nFor any questions or concerns about your registration\, please contact \n________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMental Health First Aid USA is a 6-hour training program that teaches participants how to help someone who is developing a mental health condition\, or experiencing a mental health crisis. This class is appropriate for adults aged 18+ years\, who want to learn more about mental health issues. Completion of this course means you will walk away with valuable knowledge that will help you: \n\nIdentify\, understand\, and respond to signs of mental health/substance use disorders\nLearn risk factors and warning signs\nShow a person who has a mental health condition that they are not alone\nBecome confident in assisting someone in crisis\nBuild a better understanding of Mental Health/Substance use disorders impact URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:MHFA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230325T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230325T170000 DTSTAMP:20240524T052849 CREATED:20230316T213638Z LAST-MODIFIED:20230321T174610Z SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid - 3/25/23\, LaGrange DESCRIPTION:Where: Community Wellness Center\n4731 Willow Springs Rd.\nLa Grange\, IL 60525\nWhen: March 25\, 2023\nTime: 9 AM – 5 PM \nRegister HERE.\nWe will take registrations up until the day before or until the class is full.\nFor any questions or concerns about your registration\, please contact \n________________________________________________________________________________________ \nMental Health First Aid USA is a 6-hour training program that teaches participants how to help someone who is developing a mental health condition\, or experiencing a mental health crisis. This class is appropriate for adults aged 18+ years\, who want to learn more about mental health issues. Completion of this course means you will walk away with valuable knowledge that will help you: \n\nIdentify\, understand\, and respond to signs of mental health/substance use disorders\nLearn risk factors and warning signs\nShow a person who has a mental health condition that they are not alone\nBecome confident in assisting someone in crisis\nBuild a better understanding of Mental Health/Substance use disorders impact URL: LOCATION:The Living Room – Community Wellness Center\, 4731 Willow Springs Rd.\, La Grange\, IL\, 60525\, United States CATEGORIES:MHFA END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR